Pleasant Hill UMC
Statement Of Purpose
Our Mission and Vision


Our Purpose Statement
    Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church is a Bible-based, Christ-centered church warmly welcoming all into a body of dedicated Christians who continually strive to do God*s will and who seek to become more Christ-like through enduring faith, study, worship, fellowship and service. Ours is a friendly, accepting, and loving congregation. We believe in the awesome healing power of prayer. We commit our time, talents and resources to caring for one another, to continual spiritual growth, to the sharing of Jesus Christ within our community and through a variety of ways to a worldwide Outreach Ministry.

Our Vision
Pleasant Hill United Methodist Church is a thriving, inclusive church on the move where individual lives are transformed forever through active and nurturing pastoral and congregational involvement, personal commitment, spiritual enrichment and genuine discipleship. A church where there is a visible sign of God*s presence expressed through a Christ-like attitude, where we as Christians are available and accountable and accept no boundaries in the sharing of Jesus Christ. A place with a deliberate focus on our Youth-oriented programs while providing a variety of enriching educational programs and Worship Services serving the needs of people of all ages. A place where everybody is somebody and where everything we do is for the purpose and glory of God